Bringing quality theatre to our regional community
Welcome to Tamworth Dramatic Society, where you can get involved in local community theatre in many different capacities. Take a look through our site to see images from our past productions and get news on our upcoming productions. Please get in touch with questions.
Upcoming Events
We are proud to announce Treasure Island as our second show for the year!
Wanted: fearless types to join swashbuckling adventures. Skills in death avoidance, vengeance and bird-handling desirable, but not essential.
Requirements: attend in person at the Tamworth Community Centre, Tuesday 6th February at 7pm.
E-scroll enquiries can be penned to the Treasure Island Captain: productionmanagerTI@tds.org.au
Physical examination: auditions will be held on the 9th to 11th February.
Our Annual General Meeting for TDS will be held on February 20th, 7:30 PM, Heritage Room, Tamworth Community Centre Darling Street.
All positions will be declared open. Go to the EVENTS tab for more info.
2024 memberships will be due after our AGM.
Congratulations everyone who auditioned for Kitchen Witches! We cannot wait to see what they cook up!
6 x 30 PODCAST
TDS is starting a podcast project! Six stand alone, full cast, audio dramas all 30 minutes long.
Want to know how to get involved in the writing or voice acting? Click the 6x30 Podcast tab at the top or click HERE!
Kitchen Witches Cast
Dolly Biddle: Danne Levy
Isobel Lomax: Cat Fogarty
Stephen Biddle: Matt Barratt
Rob the Camera Person: Ruby Woods
We are very excited to start work with this wonderful cast!
8th March Gala Opening Night in partnership with Powerhouse Hotel Tamworth by Rydges and Zonta Club Tamworth
Kitchen Witches | 8th - 16th Match |

Our Story
Who are we?
Tamworth Dramatic Society is a group of friends who come together to create beautiful, ephemeral moments of live theatre in the Tamworth region and beyond.

Fill out this form to apply to become a member of Tamworth Dramatic Society for 2023. This covers you until the 2024 Annual General Meeting, usually held in February each year. The membership fee for 2023 is $20, which allows you to work with us on all of our events in many different capacities (pending audition) and an invite to our annual Christmas Party.
Constitution & Code of Practice
Click here to read Tamworth Dramatic Society's Constitution and Code of Practice. These must be read and followed by all members. These documents outlines a number of aspects of the society, including information on membership, the committee and policies regarding discrimination, bullying and harassment.